TGE Travel Chronicles

TGE Travel Chronicles 7 : Peru

Episode Summary

Join me as I talk about our group trip to Peru with Arnie, Becky, and Ashley! Hear about Lima and Cuzco, with a lot of info on Machu Picchu!

Episode Transcription


Hey guys. Welcome to this episode of the TGE Quarantine Chronicles. Today I got more than one person with me today. So, I'm super stoked and excited about this. I got Arnie, Ashley and Becky with me today. How are you guys doing?


Good! [crosstalk 00:00:23].


Good. How's quarantine been holding up for you guys? How have you guys been doing?


It's been a little rough for me because I'm doing my classes online and trying to work through that, but-


Distance learning is very rough. Yeah. I got a little one in kindergarten. Obviously her distance learning is a little bit different, but yeah. You're not getting the full college experience. So, yeah. That does suck. It's a little rough-


And she has to stay at home with mom. So-


Yeah. It's pretty rough and since I'm not working, I just said, "Okay, we have class at eight in the morning and we have class at noon. So, I'm a really big annoyance for her, obviously."


I can tell. How about you Mr. Arnie?


Yeah, just doing my minimal hours at work. Very minimal at that, but I mean other than that, just-


So, what I want to talk about today was right before the whole craziness happened, we went to Peru in September, I think?




Which felt like five years ago now at this point, but yeah. So, we went to Peru only because one of my core crew, Tito, wanted to go on this trip, Machu Picchu, the whole nine yards and he ended up bailing on his own trip.


Yes because of his new job, right? Yeah.


Yeah Tito, I'm calling you out. You got a new job and you bailed on your own trip, but so we got down to Peru fine. Peru was fine. Lima was, I enjoyed Lima, especially the district route in Miraflores, that apartment we stayed at was awesome. That was one big apartment with a whole bunch of different bedrooms and I liked the location. I liked it because I've talked about my previous podcasts about if you have a big group, definitely go with the Airbnb if you can because we only spent, what? Maybe 10 bucks a person per night, something ridiculous like that. It was cheap and so, if you have a big group of people definitely do the Airbnb because even hotel rooms, even if you try to cram four people to a room, usually you can't really swing that price really. [crosstalk 00:02:48] But yeah, so we went to Lima first for a few days. We checked out some ruins, but the most exciting thing that I really enjoyed was the paragliding.


Yes, definitely. That was number one and you know what? I just remember oh, we had to wait until the wind picked up and I am so scared of heights, but I was like, last minute, I'm like, "I'm doing it, man," and it was the coolest experience ever.


And then since my mom was doing it, I was like, "I can't not do it. She's doing it. I have to do it now."


But it was the coolest thing ever.


Yeah. That right there was probably the best part about closing out the Lima portion of the trip because yeah, the views were amazing.


Oh yeah, right off the cliff and water. Oh.


I mean, I was holding out for a while because I knew Tara was getting tired and she's like, "Oh, you know how long we're going to wait around?" I'm like, "I'm going to wait around until they say, 'Hey, we're closed. We're wrapping up shop.'" I mean, we sat there for like, it was almost, what? Half hour, 45 minutes and it's crazy because the winds have to be fast enough to actually take off because literally you're jumping off a cliff essentially. It's this little grass patch and you're literally launching yourself off a cliff, but Miraflores is on the top of that bluff and it's a sheer drop down to the beach, which it was a long walk down at the beach too even then and when I did it, he's like "Run." So, of course the guy was shorter than me and so, of course I'm like, "All right. I'm just doing it," and no. You launch off and it's amazing and you get to see the skyline of Lima and the Miraflores district and you're flying pretty close to these buildings and it's just amazing and it was pretty expensive, but I mean at least they gave you the SD card of the film of the whole flight.


It was worth it. So worth it. Once in a lifetime experience. Highly recommended.


I'm still trying to find a computer that would actually fit that darn SD card because I still want to check it out myself.


They do sell adapters that you can actually put the mini SD into a bigger SD card, right? They do have adapters for that.


Oh, okay.


If you need one, I got a whole bunch. I mean-


Yeah. Definitely.


So, yeah. Lima was great. The food was amazing. The ceviche-


That seafood place we went to.


Yes. The first night we were in Lima... Was it the first night? No. It was the second night technically because we got in super late and then the second night, yeah. That seafood place was amazing and the food is just dirt cheap over there too. You can have a really great dinner for 10, 15 bucks. It's ridiculous. So, then we did Lima for a little bit, but the big part of the trip that was one of my favorites was going up to Cusco and doing Machu Picchu. Now getting up to Cusco was a little challenging because I didn't realize how many flights per hour they had. It's like, I show up to this one gate and they're like, "Oh no, this is the 10:02 flight. You're on the 10:07 flight," and I'm like, "Wait, what?" There's-


Oh yeah. Yeah. They were so close.


There's multiple flights every five minutes within each other and then they didn't want you to wait at the gate to clear you because it's like, "Oh, there's not enough time to roll you to the next flight because then that next flight is closed and then that next flight is closed," and it's like, "Wait, what?" It was crazy, but we all got there to Cusco in one piece and the altitude man, the second you walk off the plane, my lungs were just working overdrive. You could literally feel like... You could feel the pressure. Like, okay, I don't think I'm supposed to be breathing this hard up here.


I know. I just walked off the plane and I was already breathing heavy. I was, yeah. It was rough.


And so, the second place we stayed at wasn't really the best because we were all in one central location. The publicity was a little bit misleading, I would say, because it seemed like oh yeah, you're all going to be one apartment like the place in Lima, but it was like, "Oh no, it's two separate apartments," and we were like, "Okay," and I mean, Cusco was really hard to find accommodations for just because everything in the center of town, of course it's boutique, it's super expensive. Airbnb wise, there really wasn't a lot in town to check out, but getting around was pretty good. I mean, for the location.


I mean, Uber was cheap to get in town and stuff and I really liked the shopping and downtown Cusco and just the atmosphere with the old sitter square, the restaurants there were amazing. I went to this one, it was a German bar type restaurant by the center square. It was beautiful and it was just, the food was amazing. The views were great and they were super accommodating because my daughter has a gluten allergy and so, they were super accommodating with that and that's usually really hard to find overseas and it was just an amazing time.


I want to hear what your guys' take was on Machu Picchu because we split off with Machu Picchu and we took the higher end train and you guys went up on your own on the cheaper train. How was that and how was your experience with Machu Picchu?


Well, the train that we went on was fine. It was really cool views of different areas and then you got into the jungle at the end and it was pretty entertaining on there and we can have those, what were those drinks we had?


Pisco sour. [crosstalk 00:00:08:52].


Yeah. So, we were able to drink those and we just hung out and so, the train ride was awesome on the way there. That was really neat to see all the rural areas of Peru and yeah.


Yeah and on the way back, they really entertained and stuff. They danced and did the show for us and that was really cool. I liked it. They gave us a little runway show of all the clothes that they were trying to sell and Phil got up and danced with them. So, that was really cool.


Yeah. I thought the interesting part about going up there was just how they get up to there, where we were just going back and forth, back and forth, we were just going up the hill and I was like, at first I was thinking what is going on that we're stopping so many times? But later on is when I found out that's how they get up there. So-


Yeah, that big old switch back up and up and down the side of the pretty much the mountain door to get to the top to where Machu Picchu was, but then once you actually got to Machu Picchu though, what was your experience like? What was your thoughts about being there that so many people hear so many amazing things about like, what are the new wonders of the world? Where are your guys' thoughts?


Well, you know what? When we got to the town part, I was just mesmerized at it. Like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. That was it. That was even before we went up to the ruins and I mean, this is one of the most amazing trips we've ever been on in our lives. So, it's, yeah, something else.


Yeah. Just being able to see what the culture and everything was about and I mean for me, it's been one of my top places to go to and it being my technically my second international trip, but it was like Chile, for me, it was more of it being my first international trip because I mean, other than Mexico, that was basically my first top 10. So, yeah. It was a good experience. I definitely want to go back eventually.


It would be nice to stay in the little town there. Yeah. That would be really cool, I think.


Yeah. That would be nice to spend a night or two there in that little town because it seemed like there was a lot going on, but they're really... It wasn't a whole lot going on. It was a real neat town, like the shopping area, because for us, we did the higher end train. So, we had to take the car to just outside of Cusco because you guys took the train. They just recently opened up those parts of the track right from downtown Cusco because that station wasn't available for years, for I think almost a decade and they just opened that up that previous, that summer. So, it was only open for a couple of months, which is great.


It's convenient because for us, we had to wait to grab an Uber and then take the Uber out of town and that took about half an hour. We thought for sure we missed the train and like, "Oh no, we're going to miss the train," because it's like, "Oh, you got to be here by this time or you might miss boarding," and of course we show up two minutes past and they're like, "Oh no, you're good. You're fine-


Yeah. You guys got to sleep in too.


A little bit. Yeah. We slept in a little bit and then we took the train up, but it was the higher end train, the higher beaming train, which is by Belmont and it was an amazing trip. If you can swing the money for it, it's amazing. I mean, they wine and dined you, unlimited drinks, they have set course meals and stuff and even for Emma, they were super accommodating because they're like, "Oh, it's chicken and fish on the menu," but I was like, "Okay, what do you have for Emma?" And it's like, "Oh, well she has a gluten allergy. She has this allergy, that allergy," and they're like, in the course, the guy was like, "Well, I think I can do this with some rice," and they did a separate meal for her with what they had on the restaurant car.


They had a separate kitchen car on the train and so, it was awesome and so, we got up there, hopped on the bus and then we ended up having our own tour guide. I really started to reach out to you guys when we were up there because originally there's supposed to be two other guys with us, but one of them was older and he's like, "You know what? I'm not really feeling well. I'm just going to go the hotel," because Belmont also owns the hotel that's right on the top of that right by the entrance. So, they were staying at the hotel and so, they're like, "No. We'll just go to the hotel. We'll rest, not a big deal," and so, it ended up being like, "Okay. Well, you guys are my only people. That's it." I'm like, "Oh." So, we took a whole tour and everything.


We had the tea time at the hotel after the tour and then down, but it was rushed because it was like okay, it was a full day. By the time we got down to the town to hop back on the train, we had no time to go shopping. Of course my wife, because in order to get to the train station you got to walk through the market and she was just like, "Oh my God, I want to stop and buy stuff," but we can't because we're going to miss the train and I really love that town and I would love to go back and just experience it and just be a part of the culture up there, not like a tourist just in and out, but I really want to go back to Machu Picchu again so bad and I really want to go back to Cusco because I think there's a souvenir, I forgot which one it was, but one of them broke and so, it's like, "Oh, we got to go back."


Yeah. So, once we got up there and stuff it was so surreal or something. It was so breathtaking. It's like, you can see it in a book or a magazine, but it's nothing like that to be there and experience the whole thing. Just, it was so amazing. I can't even describe it. Don't you agree Ashley?


Yeah, it was.


And you liked the alpacas.




Yeah. That was cool.


Alpacas or llamas?


Well, I don't know. Were they alpacas or were they llamas? I'm confused.


I don't know. They're some type of fuzzy animal.


I think they're alpacas. Yeah. I think they're alpacas, but I can't believe how close you can get to them. Just like-


Because they told us they wouldn't spit on us. Apparently, alpacas don't spit and llamas spit.


Interesting. All right folks, there you go. Alpacas don't spit and llamas do spit. So, the more you know.


Oh, I don't know. Maybe fact check these, but that's what they told us.


Oh, that's amazing.


It was good that we didn't do the whole tour thing because we were able to actually spend a lot more time just looking at everything and just enjoying the scenery because it was just like, I think as I was walking around, it's like I was able to take a lot of different pictures of certain parts of Machu Picchu and that's one of the things that I definitely loved about that whole thing. So, yeah. [crosstalk 00:16:08]


I agree. Yeah and I mean, it was like one of my top five trips, honestly that I've been on with you guys. That whole trip was amazing and a great time and I had a blast and-


The best part, Adam, sorry to interrupt-


No, we're good.


Was the Cuy . You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Me and Ashley had, we were determined to have that and for those people that don't know what it is, it is a guinea pig and that's something that they eat there in Peru and Ashley and I and Michael U. found a restaurant and got a whole one deep fried and it was an awesome experience to try the food and it wasn't even that bad because Adam ate a foot. So-


No. I ate part of a head too because remember I kissed it before I took the bite out of it?


I still watch that post to this day.


And it's funny because people who don't know, guinea pig, it's greasy like a duck, I would say, but tastes a little bit like a rabbit, I would say because I've had rabbit before and it's that greasy duck, rabbit flavor, texture and it was still good. It was real good. I enjoyed it.


Yeah. It's just super gamey meat.


Oh yeah, absolutely.


But Ashley bit into it, she was like into the skin and she's like, you can't, it's like rubbery and Michael U. is dying and he's like, "Oh, you're a savage Ashley."


Oh, I remember Mike got really sick because he tried to walk into the city of town, neither of us knowing that it was uphill the first day we got there.


Oh yeah. That walk. You guys ended up taking an Uber, right?


Oh yeah because my wife had an O2 sensor on and she brought one because mainly for Emma because of her lungs and so, she was mid 80s and she's like, "Oh yeah, I'm not walking anymore. We got to take a car to town," and so, I'm like, "Okay." I wasn't going to fight her because I was weird because my O2 stacks were still up in the mid 90s the whole time we were there and of course she's looking at me like, "What's wrong with you?" And I'm like, "I don't know. I feel fine," but yeah. Mike almost died because he decided to walk in Cusco uphill on the first day.


And I can't believe that I walked it out of all people because I'm not really in shape. You can tell here. So-


Oh, well it could be your lung capacity too. Your lung capacity, your lungs could be like tip top shape too.


Yeah. That's true. That's true, but yeah. That was cool.


That was a long walk.


Yeah and you know what I really like too? Is the churros.


Yes. [crosstalk 00:19:07].


Oh my gosh. That was the best.


We went back, what? Two or three times-


Yeah and they were so cheap. It's like you can get a whole bunch for a dollar or something. I don't know what it. A dollar or what was it? What was our coin?






Soles. Yeah. One of those for two churros or something. It was good. That was awesome.




That was a fun trip.


Yeah. That was. I mean, I'm ready to go back, but I'm assuming it's going to be 2021 by the way everything's-


Well, I am really bummed because that was Ashley's first trip with a group and she fit in just fine with everybody and I was really hoping that you were going to the Olympics so she could go with you.






2021. [crosstalk 00:19:55] The invite's still open. So-


Yeah because she was really wanting to, yeah. To go on another trip while she's still on my benefits, flying benefits, but what's buying a ticket though, but that's against the rules-


Or you could marry someone in the airline industry just for the benefits, just legal document.


There was something else about that trip that I was thinking about besides the churros. Oh, I know what it was. Remember that one day when we went to that flea market or whatever that is at the outdoor market thing? And we got to sit with the people and eat like they did at those picnic tables and that food was amazing. You got a whole big plate of food for nothing. You know what talking about?


In Lima or in Cusco?






Cusco. Remember we went into the flea market place where you could buy guinea pigs and all that other stuff?


Did Adam go with us?


Oh Adam, you didn't go with us?


I don't think I went with that one, but if you want to tell the story, you're more than welcome to.


Oh, okay. So, we went to this flea market place and there was just tables, wooden picnic tables and the people came there to eat with their families and stuff and we ate with them and so, you got the culture, the food and everything. It was a really cool feeling to be part of it. So, yeah. You weren't there, huh?


No, I wasn't there. Yeah. I don't know what happened that day, but I wasn't there, but then-


Really cool.


The day you guys left, we went to the weave markets out of town by about 45 minutes, but it was really cool because it was a super small town, but they had all these different weave products to sell and it was pretty dirt cheap and these women that weave have been doing it for generations, it's like a family generational thing and it was really cool to check out and then be in that little town. There wasn't a whole lot going on.




Yeah, but anything else about Peru? No? Other than I want to go back next year. I mean-


Yeah. That was awesome. That's something else. Something else.


We had that one experience with the Uber driver.


Oh yeah. The Uber driver, go ahead Ashley.


So, we're in an Uber and it took forever to pick us up and we got in the car and he didn't really talk to us or anything and he just pulled into a gas station [crosstalk 00:22:39] and disappeared for 10 minutes. Maybe he went to take a dump. We don't even know.


Hopefully he washed his hands, but we don't even know.


But he just disappeared for 10 minutes and it was us and Phil.


Yeah, we were like, "What the-


Arnie, were you in there?




Yeah and we were just like, "What the hell is going on?" [crosstalk 00:23:04]


Better than my experience in Egypt though. So, I mean-


What happened in Egypt? You had to ride camels?


No. So, what happened in Egypt was I talked about it in my Egypt episode, which I think if you want to hear that, it's episode two or three, I forgot, but anyway so what happened in Egypt was we checked out. We were heading to the airport in order to get back home. It was a red eye flight to Abu Dhabi. So, we requested an Uber. He took forever to get there. Another guy shows up. He's like, "Oh yeah, I'm your Uber driver." I looked at the license plates, I'm like, "No, that's not you. Get the hell out of here," and so, the guy took so long. He canceled the ride. So, I was like, "Okay, whatever." So, I re-request it. Guess who I got linked up with? Same scammer dude and so, I'm like, "Oh great. Okay. Here we go." So, he comes and gets me. I didn't think anything about it because we were in a rush because we had very minimal time to get there before the hour cutoff and so, we hop in, put our stuff in the back, he pulls off the property.


He's like, "Hey, I need money for gas," and I'm like, "Oh hell no, pop the trunk. Get my stuff out. I want out." No. It's fine. Don't worry about it. No, it's fine. It's fine and so, of course I had Google Maps up and that time of night in Cairo, there's no traffic. It was 11:30 at night. No traffic. You should be able to go through the center town to get to the airport versus usually it's quicker on the highway during the middle of the day. So, he took the ultra long way around, literally he went on the highway all the way around passed the airport, took the highway back around because it's a big circle highway around Cairo and the whole time I'm thinking because my wife's even looking at me like, "Okay, what's going on?"


And I was over here looking around the car and it's like, "Look, if this guy pulls off the side of road, tries to do something, what blunt instrument can I use to kill someone?" Because I am like, "One of us is going to die and I'm not going to go down without a fight." So, what happened was went all the way around, get to the checkpoint to get on the airport because Egypt had a pretty big problem with terrorism and they have a bunch of checkpoints to get into the airport. So, we drive up one checkpoint, there's an issue with his license or something. So, the cop tells him, "Hey, pull over the side and wait," and so, we pull over to the side and wait and I'm like, "Dude, what the heck? If this was going to be an issue we should have freaking took the shorter way, the hell?"


And so, 10 minutes later he gets back in the car, drops us off. The Uber ride was supposed to be only 15 bucks and it ended up being almost 45, $50 because of the way he took and so, of course my wife's freaking out. She's like, "Hey," and I'm like, "I'll fight with Uber. Don't worry about it. I'll deal with it," but yeah. It was a scary experience because he went completely out of his way to get more money pretty much-


But you never know, especially in another country because we don't know how people are.


Right. So for me in that experience, next time I'll just use the hotel transportation or someone that the hotel vets. So, next time. So, I was so much in a rush that I wasn't even thinking about it because I was just like, "I just need to get to the airport. I don't care how I get there," but yeah, but I ended up fighting Uber and then Uber refunded me, I think almost 35 bucks of it. So-




Because they can clearly tell what he did and so, but yeah. That was a scary experience though.


I know. We were contemplating if we were going to just get in the driver's seat and start driving ourselves because the guy was taking forever.


Well, you could do that because he knows where you're going to take the car at. So, it's not like you're stealing it.


He knows the address. [crosstalk 00:26:38].


I'm just borrowing it to get to my destination. You know where my destination's at. So-


Yeah, no big deal.


Just take a cab and meet up with your car. I'll leave the keys in there.


Yeah. You know one thing about Peru though that was neat? The hairless dogs.


Oh yeah.


The hairless dogs.




That was pretty cool. We like dogs. So, that was pretty cool. So-


Or how about the one lady that was carrying around, was it a llama that she was carrying around and she was like, "Oh, you guys want to take a picture with it?"


I think it was a lamb.


Yeah and then it's like she wanted more money. She wanted here, hold it with more money. Wanted more money. Yeah, but that's [crosstalk 00:27:30]. Yeah, that was one of my favorite pictures though with that little baby.


Yeah. [crosstalk 00:27:36] Little Emma has a picture holding a llama or an alpaca with the three ladies and the same thing, my wife gives them $5 US and they were shaking her down for more and she's like, "No, this is way more money in your country then-




So, yeah. They're pretty aggressive. So, if you ever go to Cusco, take your picture with the llamas, but make sure that you set a price or you make sure you don't make the lady shake you down pretty much.


Or just go to Machu Picchu and take a picture of it there.




That's a great idea too. I enjoy that idea.


But yeah.




Everything was good and Emma went with us, which we had so much fun with Emma and having a child going to another country I always thought, "Oh, that would be so difficult," but she was so, I think because she's done so many trips that she's such a good traveler. So, that was cool too. That was a really cool experience for me. I enjoyed that.


Yeah. She's a little trooper when it comes to traveling. So-


Oh yeah. She's awesome.


It's going to be interesting to see what happens afterwards, getting back on an airplane. It's been so long. So-




Yeah. It's funny too because it was just like, I had already set up what my next trip was going to be this year and lo and behold, it was going to be the Great Wall of China, but that [crosstalk 00:29:08]. Yeah because I was going to do it in October, but forget it now.




You can still go. I don't see what's stopping you.


This is true.


Yeah. My sister and I had a trip planned in October, it was Heather? Is that right? Our trip plan in October?


We have one in May actually.


May and October. Yeah, but we're going to go in May instead and we're going to Venice.


Next May.


Next May. We're going to go on a cruise.


Out of Greece.


Out of Greece. So, that should be interesting because Greece is on my bucket list. So, [inaudible 00:00:29:49]. Yeah. We had the airline races and Hawaii this year, we signed up for them, but it looks like it's probably a no-go. So-


Cruise ship. Do you mean the breeding ground of the Rona? Those cruise ships?


Yes. I know. I don't know, Adam. I don't know. We're going to see how this all pans out with this pandemic thing. I don't know.


Hazmat suits. You wear a full respirator the whole time, I think you'll be good.


Yeah. You know what? That's the bad thing about this coronavirus and these masses, somebody might look good looking or something, but you don't know when they take that mask off. It might be a whole big surprise.


I'm just surprised you can go into a bank with those things on. It's like, "Really?"


Don't you feel like a bank robber? You're like, "Look at me, I get to wear a mask. This is so cool." Sorry, that's-


No. That's funny.


Yeah. Everybody looks suspicious.


Everybody does look suspicious. Yeah, absolutely.


But yeah, this whole Corona thing just it's caused a lot of, it's thrown a lot of wrenches into people's lives especially at the airline industry because all the inflight candidates got canceled. So, withdrawn. So, you guys are stuck with me.


Oh, I didn't hear that. I didn't hear that. So-


Yes. All the candidates have been withdrawn from inflight. So, whenever they open it up again, we have to reapply and do all that stuff over again. So, basically you guys are stuck with me. I'm not really heartbroken, but I'm sure you guys are. This is more trips I get to go on with Adam and everything else. I'm so excited. So, yeah.


There you go.


Yeah. There's always a positive to a negative.


There is. I don't know how a couple of the people at work that were still in the pool feels about that, bu-


Yeah, no. I know. I felt sad for a lot of people, but me and my situation, it was good either way. I like being in SMF. I like my people. So, you know what? I'm good with it. So, yeah.


There you go-


Yeah. More breakfast to cook, more food to bring in, more parties to throw.




So, yeah.




Yeah. So, you and Ashley, Tokyo, huh?


Yeah, absolutely. Everything. Remember, open invite. So-


All right. Look forward to it.


Done. Done and done. It sucks though because there was supposed to be a world's fair in Dubai and they just delayed that until next year too, to next winter. So, my whole 2020s clean slate. So, next year.


Yeah. Life is short.


There's always next year.


There's always next year.


That's right.


Until New Year's Eve rolls around and then it becomes the 13th month of 2020 and then we're just, we're done.


You know what Adam? I am so happy that you were able to go to New York this year for the Thanksgiving Day Parade because they might not have it this year. Who knows? I mean, look! That's a [inaudible 00:33:07] situation. Yeah, this is great. [crosstalk 00:33:13] So, perfect.


My wife keeps bringing that up to me that it was like, "Oh, this was such a great idea," because I'm just like, "Ha ha, yeah." Alrighty guys. So, awesome. Thank you very much for your time. Really appreciate everything. This is TGE Quarantine Travel Chronicles. See you guys. Bye.




Until next time. [crosstalk 00:33:36].


Bye Arnie.

